Ferry Beach State Park Conditions & Activities

Safety Updates for Maine State Parks and Public Lands.

Park Events

    No programs currently scheduled.

Location: Off Route 9 on Bay View Road between Old Orchard Beach and Camp Ellis in Saco. (Lat. 43.481514, Lon. -70.392965)

Park Hours: Open 9:00 a.m. to sunset daily from Memorial Day to Sept. 30 unless otherwise posted at the gate. Fee collected year-round at entry booth by staff or self-service station. Please note that the nature center and other facilities may close earlier than the park grounds. Visitors may continue to enjoy the park during the off season by parking outside the gate and walking in during these same hours. Please be aware that facilities are closed during the off season.

Ferry Beach State Park offers sweeping view of miles of white sand beaches between the Saco River and Pine Point. The beach has been a destination for generations for sunbathing and swimming.

A picnic area, changing room, nature trails, and a nature center providing guided nature programs are available.

See the current weather and tide links in the right column under Related Links.

Be Shark Smart

Shark sightings are becoming more frequent in Maine and New England. Learn how to be shark smart this summer while visiting coastal beaches. This video on YouTube, produced to to raise awareness and help people and white sharks co-exist peacefully, was developed by the Atlantic White Shark Conservancy, the Cape Cod National Seashore, Massachucetts Division of Marine Fishers, and officials from Cape Cod and South Shore towns.

Learn about Maine Sharks.

Be Shark Smart to stay safe and to protect wildlife:

  • Follow lifeguard instructions, signs, and warning flags.
  • Be aware that sharks hunt for seals in shallow water.
  • Stay close to shore where rescuers can reach you.
  • Swim, paddle, kayak, and surf in groups; and avoid splashing.
  • Avoid seals and schools of fish.
  • Avoid murky or low-visibility water.

To learn more about white shark research and to download the Sharktivity App, visit www.atlanticwhiteshark.org

Activities Listing

Swimming & Surfing

  • Swimming has right-of-way over all other water use, however do stay alert to your surroundings and the other recreational activities.
  • Check the current weather and tide information by using the links found in the right column of this page under Related Links.
  • Sandy beach at swimming area.
  • The use of floating devices, face masks or snorkels is prohibited at surf beaches. Scuba diving may be allowed by permit obtained at the park. Please speak with park staff if you have questions.
  • Know what to do if caught in a rip current; swim parallel to the shore until you clear the outward pull of the rip, then swim in to shore.
  • Inexperienced swimmers and children should use caution and have experienced swimmers with them. Remember that shallow water can still be of danger and have strong currents too.
  • Wheelchair accessible. Beach wheelchair available pending availability on a first come, first served basis.
  • Lifeguards are on duty mid-June to mid-August.



  • Picnic tables and charcoal grills are available in the picnic area (located near the second parking lot). Picnic tables are also located in the woods and in spaces overlooking Long Pond. While no grills or picnic tables are available near the beach itself, guests are welcome to bring a picnic lunch to eat on the beach. Please, though, no grilling on the beach.


  • Both sea kayaking and stand-up paddle boarding are popular activities here.


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