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Pineland Public Lands and Bradbury Mt. State Park - Management Plan
The Maine Bureau of Parks and Lands completed the Bradbury Mountain State Park & Pineland Public Lands Management Plan (Bradbury-Pineland Plan) in 2011. The 15-year management plan addresses the Pineland Public Lands in Gray, North Yarmouth, and New Gloucester, as well as planning aspects of management at Bradbury Mountain State Park in Pownal. The Bureau lands, easements, and trail license connecting Bradbury Mountain State Park to the Pineland Public Lands are also included in the plan, as is the Mayall Mills historic site in Gray.
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Plan Update and Review
The Bureau of Parks and Lands has completed the second Five-year Review of the Bradbury-Pineland Plan covering the period from 2016 through 2020. The Integrated Resource Policy (IRP) requires that the Bureau, at five year intervals, report to the Advisory Committee (AC) on accomplishments and new issues or changing conditions that may warrant amendments to the plan.
The Five-year Review is prepared in a table format. It is linked below as a PDF under Management Plan Review Documents. It:
- Lists plan recommendations (left column), and
- Actions taken to implement each recommendation (right column), and
- Identifies, from the Bureau's perspective, any issues any new issues or circumstances that were not addressed in the plan that may warrant Committee discussion or action (at end of table).
The Five-year Review table was sent to AC members on May 13, 2021.
The Bureau identified no new issues that were not addressed in the plan or that warranted Committee input. The Bureau asked AC members for comments on the review table and to identify any new issues or circumstances that they believe may require Committee input or action. Written comments were accepted for three weeks following the email distribution of the review materials. One committee member submitted comments.
An AC meeting was held on July 14, 2021 via videoconference to review progress on implementation of the plan recommendations and to discuss new issues committee members identified, which primary related to requests for additional trail development.
A Final Report on the Five-year Review, summarizing the review process and providing the Bureau’s response to comments, along with AC meeting notes and an updated Vision for Management of Pineland Public Land Trails, was sent to the Advisory Committee on December 2, 2021. The Final Report with attachments is also linked below as a PDF under Management Plan Review Documents.
Date and Time | Headline | Location | Additional Information |
Management Plan Review Documents
- Five-year review table 2021 (PDF 247KB)
- 2nd Five-Year Review Final Report & Attachments (PDF 2.8 MB)
Adopted plan available for download:

For more information:
Jim Vogel
Senior Planner
Maine Bureau of Parks and Lands
22 State House Station
Augusta, ME 04333-0022
(207) 287-2163