Board of Funeral Services - Licensing - Funeral Attendant, Funeral Practitioner, Funeral Practitioner Trainee, Inactive Practitioner or Director


Funeral Attendant

"Attendant" shall mean any person who is employed part or full-time in funeral service who is engaged in transporting human remains and who may assist a Licensed Practitioner in other funeral activities. All Funeral Attendants shall work under the personal supervision and legal responsibility of a licensed Practitioner who is actively associated with a funeral establishment. Each Practitioner employing a Funeral Attendant shall register the Funeral Attendant annually on forms supplied by the board and pay the prescribed fee. Each Funeral Attendant shall receive annual training in the review of the Blood-Borne Pathogen Rule. When a Funeral Attendant leaves the employ of a Practitioner, the Practitioner shall notify the board of termination of employment.

How to apply


  • Registration Fee of $80.00
  • Criminal History Records Check Fee of $21.00

    Please make your checks payable to: "Maine State Treasurer".


  • Annual (Fixed renewal date of February 28th)

Apply Now


  • Completed and signed application for licensure with all fees and required documentation.

Renewal fees and information


  • Annual renewal fee $80.00

    Please make your checks payable to: "Maine State Treasurer".


  • Completed Application
  • A late fee of $50 is assessed for licenses renewed after the February 28 license expiration date.
  • A person who submits an application for renewal more than 90 days after the license expiration date is subject to all requirements governing new applicants and is required to reapply with an original license application, documentation and fees.
  • Renewal reminders are emailed to the email address on file at least 30 days prior to the license expiration date. It is the licensee's responsibility to keep the Board informed of current contact information and to see that the license is renewed absent the renewal application. Reminder includes licensee's access code which, along with license number, is required for online renewal


Funeral Practitioner Trainee

A Practitioner Trainee means a person who is engaged in preparing to become licensed for the practice of funeral service under the personal supervision and instruction of a person duly licensed for the practice of funeral service, and who is duly licensed by the board.

How to apply


  • License Fee of $80.00
  • Criminal History Records Check Fee of $21

    Please make your checks payable to: "Maine State Treasurer".


  • Annual (Fixed renewal date of February 28th)

Apply Now


  • Completed and signed application for licensure with all fees and required documentation.

Renewal fees and information


  • Renewal Fee of $80.00

    Please make your checks payable to: "Maine State Treasurer".


  • A late fee of $50 is assessed for licenses renewed after the February 28 license expiration date.
  • A person who submits an application for renewal more than 90 days after the license expiration date is subject to all requirements governing new applicants and is required to reapply with an original license application, documentation and fees.
  • Renewal applications are mailed approximately 60 days prior to the license expiration date.


Funeral Practitioner

A Funeral Practitioner shall mean any licensed person engaged or holding themselves out as engaged in embalming and/or funeral directing, whether on their own behalf or in the employ of another, and shall include any person who shall use, in connection with their name, the words "embalmer," "funeral director," "mortician," or "undertaker" or any other words or title implying they are designating themselves to be an embalmer and/or funeral director.

How to apply


  • License Fee of $230.00
  • State Practical Examination Fee of $75.00
  • Criminal History Records Check Fee of $21.00

    Please make your checks payable to: "Maine State Treasurer".


  • Annual (Fixed renewal date of February 28th)

Apply Now


  • Completed and signed application for licensure with all fees and required documentation.


All applicants for a Practitioner license by reciprocity must submit the following:


  • License Fee of $230.00
  • Criminal History Records Check Fee of $21.00

    Please make your checks payable to: "Maine State Treasurer".


  • Completed and signed application for licensure with all fees and required documentation.

Renewal fees and information


  • Renewal Fee of $230.00

Renew Now

  • Fill out the online renewal application and submit.

    The Department must verify that you have met all the conditions for renewal before your license is renewed. Online submission of your renewal application should not be construed as automatic renewal of your license.


  • A late fee of $50 is assessed for licenses renewed after the February 28 license expiration date.
  • A person who submits an application for renewal more than 90 days after the license expiration date is subject to all requirements governing new applicants and is required to reapply with an original license application, documentation and fees.
  • Continuing Education - 12 hours of continuing education pursuant to board rules due on odd year renewals..


Inactive Status: Funeral Practitioner

  1. An individual who is currently licensed as a Practitioner may request that his/her license be place on inactive status.
  2. Each applicant must no longer be actively practicing funeral service in the State of Maine
  3. All inactive status licensees are required to renew their licenses annually but are not required to meet the continuing education requirement required by 32 MRSA, Chapter 21, Subchapter III, Section 1506(2) and the rules adopted under it.
  4. In order to reinstate a licensee's active license, the holder must comply with the continuing education requirement and fees as are provided in 32 MRSA, Chapter 21 and the rules adopted under it.

How to apply


  • $230.

    Please make your checks payable to: "Treasurer, State of Maine".


  • Annual (Fixed renewal date of February 28th)

Renew Now

  • Fill out the online renewal application and submit.

    The Department must verify that you have met all the conditions for renewal before your license is renewed. Online submission of your renewal application should not be construed as automatic renewal of your license.


  • A late fee of $50 is assessed for licenses renewed after the February 28 license expiration date.
  • A person who submits an application for renewal more than 90 days after the license expiration date is subject to all requirements governing new applicants and is required to reapply with an original license application, documentation and fees.
  • Continuing Education - None required; however, a holder of an inactive license who wishes to "activate" the license must comply with the continuing education requirement applicable to that license category.