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Conservation Library
Statewide Conservation Tools
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Forest Management Recommendations
The Beginning with Habitat Toolbox

The Beginning with Habitat (BwH) Toolbox is a guide to help interested citizens, landowners, municipal committee members, elected officials, and land trust members create and implement a "conservation blueprint," or suite of local actions to move their town toward its conservation goals.
The toolbox includes:
- An introduction to using BwH data and principles in municipal comprehensive planning and open space planning
- Tools to address common conservation issues that arise in many Maine towns
- Advantages and disadvantages of each tool
- Example ordinance language
- Local lessons learned
- Methods for financing habitat protection efforts
Need Assistance?
BwH is available to answer your questions and provide feedback. By using habitat data specific to your community, we can help municipalities craft custom solutions and support land trusts to prioritize and strategically plan their conservation efforts.
We are also happy to meet in person or remotely with municipalities, boards, committees, and landowners to explore any of these data and tools in greater detail.
Are you a small private landowner looking for tools and resources?
View the Landowner Resources page
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