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BWH Staff and Contact Information

Justin Schlawin
Program Coordinator
(207) 557-1885 Justin.Schlawin@maine.gov

Amy Dowley
GIS Coordinator
(207) 441-4513

Corinne Michaud-LeBlanc
Climate Coordinator
(207) 592-5841

Joe Roy
Private Lands Wildlife Biologist
(207) 592-3344

Greg LeClair
Municipal Planning Biologist
(207) 441-4167
Our Mailing Address
Beginning with Habitat
c/o Maine Department of Inland Fisheries & Wildlife
41 State House Station
353 Water Street
Augusta, Maine 04333-0041
General Contact Information
Phone: (207) 287-8000
Fax: (207) 287-6395
Submit a Request
Program Staff and Partner Organizations
If you need...
- Help getting started or navigating the resources on this site
- Wildlife inventory and related data
- To request a map, data package, or need help with the WebViewer
- Information on natural history and wildlife conservation
- To request a presentation
- Technical assistance (for landowners, towns, and land trusts)
Maine Department of Inland Fisheries & Wildlife
(Beginning with Habitat office)
Phone: (207) 287-8000
Fax: (207) 287-6395
Submit a Request
- Information on Rare, Threatened, and Endangered species and habitats; Essential and Significant Wildlife Habitats; and Protected Natural Resources for projects, subject to MDIFW’s role in the environmental permitting programs of the Maine Department of Environmental Protection (MDEP) and the Maine Land Use Planning Commission (LUPC)
- A formal MDIFW Environmental Review
Maine Department of Inland Fisheries and Wildlife
Environmental Review Program
41 State House Station
353 Water Street
Augusta, Maine 04333-0041
- Assistance with planning to conserve important natural areas and address climate change
- Inventory and landowner guidance for rare plants, habitats, and invasive species
- Environmental review of proposed development and assistance with pre-permitting questions
- Forestry technical assistance and forest management plan review
Maine Department of Agriculture, Conservation, and Forestry
(Maine Natural Areas Program)
177 State House Station
Augusta, Maine 04333-0093
- A free site visit to your woodland (of 10+) acres by a MFS District Forester, to help you understand more about your woods and what steps you can take to achieve your goals
- Guidance on obtaining a forest management plan, finding a private forester, or preparing for a successful timber harvest on your land
- Help with regulations that affect woodlots and forestry operations, including Maine’s Forest Practices Act, rules around water bodies & shoreland areas, the Tree Growth Tax Law, and more
Maine Department of Agriculture, Conservation, and Forestry
(Maine Forest Service)
22 State House Station, Augusta, ME, 04333-0022
- Help with comprehensive planning, land use planning, and/or wetlands conservation planning
- Help developing a smart growth policy, or to set up a smart growth workshop
- To be connected with local and regional planners
Municipal Planning Assistance Program
22 State House Station
Harlow Building
Augusta, Maine 04333-0038
- To access outreach and education about impacts of sprawl on wildlife
- To learn about landowner incentives and technical assistance programs, such as Forestry for Maine Birds
- Help with conservation planning
- Help with habitat fragmentation and connectivity including stream crossings and wildlife road crossings
Maine Audubon Society
20 Gilsland Farm Road
Falmouth, Maine 04105
- To coordinate oversight of federal trust species
- Nature's Network regional habitat modeling data/maps/information
- Funding for land protection
- Aquatic barriers/connectivity
U.S. Fish & Wildlife Service
(Gulf of Maine Coastal Program)
4R Fundy Road
Falmouth, Maine 04105
- A MaineDOT project screening or permit
- Help with aquatic organism and wildlife connectivity
- Assistance with transportation and wildlife conflicts
Maine Department of Transportation
Environmental Office
16 State House Station
Augusta, Maine 04333
- Help with conservation planning
- Help with land protection
- Help with habitat fragmentation and connectivity including stream crossings and wildlife road crossings
The Nature Conservancy
Fort Andross, Suite 401
14 Maine Street
Brunswick, Maine 04011
- Local land trust support
- Land protection advice
Maine Coast Heritage Trust
Bowdoin Mill
1 Main Street
Topsham, Maine 04086
- Land management resources
- Connections with other woodland owners in Maine
Maine Woodland Owners
8 Mulliken Court
PO Box 836
Augusta, Maine 04332-0836
- Financial and technical assistance writing or implementing a habitat or forest management plan
U.S. Department of Agriculture -Natural Resources Conservation Service
967 Illinois Avenue, Suite #3
Bangor, ME 04401
- Information on Rare, Threatened, and Endangered sea-run fishes and marine species and habitats; and Atlantic Salmon Critical Habitat
- Environmental review of proposed development and assistance with pre-permitting questions for projects that may impact river, stream, or pond habitat
- Information about state and federal funding opportunities for restoration or remediation of inland infrastructure that may impact river, stream, or pond habitat
Maine Department of Marine Resources
22 State House Station, Augusta, ME, 04333-0022
- Guidance and technical assistance to determine opportunities to protect or restore natural areas and coastal infrastructure to respond to climate change and sea level rise
- Assistance with community planning and prioritization for coastal resilience projects
- Information about state and federal funding opportunities for community and natural area resilience projects
Maine Coastal Program, Department of Marine Resources
21 State House Station
Augusta, ME 04333-0021