“As representatives of the State of Maine, our mission is to keep our state a safe place to live and visit. We will maintain order, protect life and property, and reduce fear of crime by providing diverse high quality law enforcement services. We will foster partnerships with all those we serve by practicing Integrity, Fairness, Compassion, and Excellence.”
For the MAINE STATE POLICE to accomplish its above stated mission in a structured and effective manner it is essential to have a Strategic Plan that is dynamic and fluid enough to change as needs dictate. This strategic plan is developed in such a manner that Troops and Units are given broad objectives and allowed to develop work plans that enable each to be continually working towards the mission. Notwithstanding its fluidity, this plan will address Department activity for the next two years.
Our statements on mission, vision, values and objectives are the compass points to guide our course of action and will be reviewed and updated regularly to ensure that our efforts reflect current trends and priorities in policing. These statements illustrate who we are, what we do, how and why we do it, and ultimately whom we serve.
The MAINE STATE POLICE will accomplish its mission through this strategic plan by focusing on four specific agency goal areas, Crime, Traffic, Provision of Support Services and Professional Development. Work plans will be developed at the Troop and Unit level that will involve every member of our agency working towards the mission.
It is imperative that the MAINE STATE POLICE remain vigilant and recognize emerging law enforcement issues to ensure that we rise to meet the changing needs of public safety in our state, while continually maintaining our established professionalism and our high quality of service.