Partnering with Maine schools to ensure that learning happens in spaces that affirm brilliance, empower success & excite curiosity.
Do we have SEL-specific Maine Learning Results/Standards? Are they in development?
The Maine Department of Education does not have, nor are there current plans to develop SEL standards - Below Are Optional Examples Of Standards & Progressions Which Align With Maine’s Whole Student Philosophy
- California Competencies: Continuums For Early Elementary, Late Elementary, Middle School, High School and Adults, As Well As Links To Resources
- Minnesota Benchmarks: Benchmarks For K-3, 4-5, 6-8 and 9-12 - This Document Includes Sample Activities & Related Academic Standards
Our Interdisciplinary Instruction Team embeds social and emotional learning into traditional academic content. Additionally, applying strategies from Harvard's Project Zero's Thinking Routine Toolkit, will lead to infusing lessons with social and emotional learning.
Additionally, we offer the following guidance as you choose explicit SEL lessons.
Does the Maine DOE offer guidance on how to assess SEL?
The Collaborative For Academic And Social Emotional Learning (CASEL), does not recommend SEL assessment for accountability
- American Institutes For Research - Stop, Think, Act Toolkit For Assessment Tool Selection
Does the Maine DOE recommend any specific SEL programs?
The Maine DOE does not recommend any specific SEL programs. Our philosophy rests on:
- Systematically teaching, modeling, and facilitating the application of social and emotional competencies in ways that allow students to apply them throughout their days
- Establishing safe, caring, and highly engaging learning environments involving peer and family initiatives and schoolwide community-building activities.
These two strategies are mutually reinforcing. Positive learning environments help students learn and further develop social-emotional competencies; meanwhile, classrooms, schools, and communities filled with socially and emotionally skilled students are more caring and safe. Weissberg, R. P., & Cascarino, J. (2013). Academic Learning + Social-Emotional Learning = National Priority. Phi Delta Kappan, 95(2), 8–13
Resources for Responding to Trauma
The Office of School and Student Supports has compiled resources to help building leaders and school staff respond to traumatic national news.
- Infographic with 5 things to keep in mind (2 pages, one for building leaders, one for staff) 1 min read
- Powerpoint with guidance on responding to students across grade levels - and a graphic of our nested model of response (also below) - Designed for 5 minute share.
General Resources
- Picture Books For SEL - A Planning Tool
- SEL4ME Maine's social and emotional learning platform - (Provide feedback here!)
- Slides From MSMA 10-28-22 for Professional Learning
- SEL & Picture Books.pptx
- 2 Minute Talk - The Purpose of Black History Month
- Web Based Lessons:
- Downloadable Tools:
- SEL Across School Contexts:
- Names Matter - Affirming Identity - 4min Professional Learning
- Infographic On Learning Names (Download) created by the Maine DOE SEL Implementation Specialist
- CNBC - 11/20/22 Why Pronouncing Names Correctly Matters, What You Can Do About It
- Implementing SEL In Early Elementary Classrooms:
- Implementing SEL Through Reading. Spotlight: Picture BooksInfographic Universe of Questioning.jpg
- Considering Awe
- Awe might be our most undervalued emotion. Here's how to help children find it. - Washington Post 11/30/21