Section 97, Private Non-Medical Institutions, (PNMI) Appendix D, Temporary High Intensity Services Rate Determination: Presented Materials and Comment Deadline
On February 14, 2025, MaineCare held an online public meeting to present draft rates and models along with the rationale for PNMI, Appendix D, Temporary High Intensity Services. Interested parties had the opportunity to provide public comments.
The PowerPoint presentation and video recording of the meeting are available on our Rate System Reform webpage.
The Department will accept written comments through March 4, 2025. Please submit comments, as well as questions related to this process to:
The Department will respond in writing to comments with an explanation of whether and how the feedback was incorporated into the final rate determination.
As providers and interested parties, your feedback is important. We encourage you to participate.
This notice is sent pursuant to Rate Reform law.