Member Resources

Attention MaineCare Members: MaineCare operations are continuing as normal at this time. 

The Department has been monitoring and assessing various Trump Administration announcements related to federal funding. MaineCare members do not need to do anything differently and should proceed to get their care as they normally would. MaineCare operations are continuing as normal at this time. If there is any change in this guidance, we will share it with you.  

New MaineCare Members

Photo of healthcare worker and smiling baby.

Welcome Letter

This letter (PDF) includes information that is helpful to new MaineCare members.

MaineCare Card

You will get a card with your unique number on it. Your card can only be used for your health care services.

Stay Connected to Stay Covered

Update Your Contact Information

Go to My Maine Connection to update your contact informaton so you don't miss important information about your MaineCare coverage.

See the Stay Connected to Stay Covered video in English or Espanol.

Member Handbook

The MaineCare Member Handbook (PDF) includes information about the MaineCare program, benefits and services that MaineCare may cover, and community resources available.

Gender Affirming Care Guide

MaineCare covers many medically necessary gender-affirming treatments for members with the clinical diagnosis of gender dysphoria. The Gender-Affirming Care Guide (PDF) provides you with the information necessary to make informed decisions about the gender-affirming health care services that you want and need.

Access to Your Health Information

DHHS has made it easier to access your personal health information. Having access to your information can help you make more informed decisions about your health care.

Provider Directory

The MaineCare Provider Directory allows you to search for physicians or other health providers who are part of the MaineCare network.

    Interpreter Services

    If you do not speak English, have limited-English speaking ability, or are deaf or hard of hearing, you can have an interpreter help you. If you want an interpreter at your appointment, you must ask your provider in advance.

    If you prefer, you can have a family member or a friend over age 18 interpret for you. You must give this person permission to go with you to an appointment and set it up with your provider before your appointment. MaineCare cannot pay a family member or friend to interpret for you.

    Interpreter services are also available when calling MaineCare Member Services.

    HIPAA, Privacy, and Security

    MaineCare is committed to keeping your information safe. See the Department of Health and Human Services’ Privacy and Security of Health Information webpage for details about how we protect your personal information and for the Authorization to Release Information form.

    Health InfoNet

    HealthInfoNet is a private computer system for doctors, hospitals, and other caregivers to share medical information.

    • Choices Flyer (PDF) - This flyer explains your choices for sharing health information in your health record with your healthcare providers.
    • Opt-out Form (PDF) - Complete this form if you choose not to share the health information in your record. If you want to share your health information with your healthcare providers, you do not have to do anything.
    • Opt-Out Revoke Form (PDF) - Complete this form if you choose to share the health information in your record again.

    Fair Hearings

    In most situations, if you disagree with a MaineCare decision to deny, terminate, or reduce your covered services, you have a right to a Fair Hearing.

    When MaineCare makes a decision about your services, you will receive a letter explaining the decision. The letter will also tell you how you can ask for a Fair Hearing if you disagree with the decision. You can ask for a Fair Hearing up to 60 days from the date of your letter. If you ask for a Fair Hearing within 10 days of the date on the letter, your current services will continue until a decision is made.

    How do I request a hearing?

    Call MaineCare Member Services at 1-800-977-6740. TTY users, dial 711(Maine relay). You can also email.

    You can also write to:

    • MaineCare Hearings Coordinator
    • Division of HealthCare Management
    • MaineCare Services
    • 11 State House Station
    • Augusta, ME  04333-0011

    For more detail about the fair hearing process, see the MaineCare Member Handbook (PDF).

    Electronic Visit Verification (EVV)

    MaineCare members who receive Personal Care Services or Home Health Care Services will be asked by your provider to confirm your in-home visit took place. This is because of a new federal requirement. You will confirm the visit took place by signing your name on the providers mobile phone or tablet or by speaking into the provider's mobile phone. Your personal care, home health, or hospice benefit or services are not changing.

    Please see the following documents for more information:

    Contact Us

    Questions? Contact us.