Section 97 Appendix F Rate Updates, CR 112461

MaineCare has posted updated rate letters for all Section 97 Appendix F providers operating on a Fiscal Year basis to the Health PAS Online Portal. We have also posted revised rate letters for Section 97 Appendix F providers operating on a Calendar Year basis. The rates shown on rate letters are effective July 1, 2022. The routine rate has been inflated using the historical United States Department of Labor, Bureau of Labor Statistics Consumer Price Index – medical care services index using the appropriate inflation for each facility’s routine rate base year. The individual inflation amounts can be found on page 3 of the rate letters. You can view them by logging into your Trading Partner Account and following this pathway: File Exchange > Reports > Rate Setting Letters.  

Contact Information

If you have questions about accessing the letters, please contact Provider Services at: 1-866-690-5585. If you have questions about the content of the letters, please contact Rate Setting directly by using the contact name and phone number on the letters. 

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