Reducing Stillbirths in Maine: Free Count the Kicks Educational Materials and Webinars

Educational Resources for Providers 

The Maine Department of Health and Human Services and Count the Kicks are pleased to provide free educational materials and resources for those who serve expectant parents in Maine. These materials are available in the following languages: English, Spanish, Portuguese, French, Lingala, Arabic, Haitian Creole, Kinyarwanda, and Somali.  

Webinar for Nurses & Doulas 

There is a webinar for nurses and doulas about the Count the Kicks program scheduled for May 21, 2024, at noon.  

Accessing the Resources & Webinar 

See the flyer for details about the educational materials and webinar. 

Why Count the Kicks?  

Count the Kicks is an evidence-based program of Healthy Birth Day, Inc., a nonprofit organization founded by five women who each experienced a stillbirth or infant death. On average 69 babies are stillborn every year in Maine. We have the potential to save 1 in 3 at-risk babies in Maine - that's an average of 22 babies saved every year! 

Check out our new MaineCare logo! Learn more about this logo on the About Us page of our website.

MaineCare logo