Rate Determination Initiation Notice for Sections 14, 30, 31, 45, 90, & 103: Certain Medicare Covered Family Planning Services and Long-Acting Reversible Contraception (LARCs)

This bulletin provides notice that the Department has initiated a Rate Determination Process* for certain Medicare covered Family Planning Services and for LARCs. The Department is conducting this rate determination to maintain member access to Family Planning Services. The Department will assess, and determine as appropriate, new rate amounts or reimbursement models in accordance with requirements found in Title 22 MRSA §3173-J

There will be opportunities throughout the Rate Determination process for interested parties and members of the public to provide feedback and comments. You may track all of our Rate Reform work on the MaineCare Rate System Reform webpage.

For questions, please contact Catherine Coolidge, MaineCare Policy Writer and Project Lead for this initiative.

*This notice is sent pursuant to Title 22 MRSA §3173-J.


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