Rate Determination Initiation Notice for Home and Community Based Services (HCBS) Clinical, Therapy, Care Coordination, Supportive Skills Building, and Assistive Technology Services

This bulletin provides notice that the Department has initiated a Rate Determination Process* for certain HCBS services found in MaineCare Benefits Manual (MBM) Sections 12, 18, 19, 20, 21, 29, 40, 96, and 102 and is now conducting a rate study. Public Consulting Group will be conducting this rate study. MaineCare will provide a list of service categories to be reviewed once the Department's contracted vendor performs a code analysis of the sections.  

This rate study is being conducted to align rates of similar services across sections and as a Department goal to address severe state labor shortages for nurses which has contributed to a decline in utilization of services, despite an increased need.    

There will be opportunities throughout the Rate Determination process for interested parties to provide feedback and comments. You may track all of our Rate Reform work on the MaineCare Rate System Reform webpage. 

For questions, please contact Dwayne Parsons, MaineCare’s Acting Manager of Rate Setting & Reform. 

*This notice is sent pursuant to MRS Title 22, §3173-J

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