MaineCare’s HOME Provider Orientation Webinar Dates and Application Opening on July 22, 2022   

HOME Services Provider Orientation

Effective July, 22, 2022, MaineCare is accepting Housing Outreach and Member Engagement (HOME) Provider applications from providers interested in delivering HOME services for eligible individuals experiencing long-term homelessness, as described in the newly adopted MaineCare Benefits Manual (MBM), Chapter II and Chapter III, Section 91: Health Home Services-Community Care Teams.  

A link to the application and a PDF copy of the application are posted on the Office of MaineCare Services (OMS) Health Homes webpage. Please review the application for information about the application process and submission instructions.     

HOME Services Provider Orientation Webinars    

MaineCare will deliver two HOME Provider Orientation webinar sessions for any individual or organization interested in delivering or learning about MaineCare HOME services. Each session will address HOME services, the team model, core standards, member eligibility, reimbursement, the provider application process, and your questions. To register please follow the link in the following table:     


HOME Provider Orientation Webinar Sessions  




Registration Link  


August 8, 2022  

2:30 pm to 4:00 pm  


August 16, 2022  

1:00 pm to 2:30 pm  

  More about HOME Provider Services    

HOME providers are multi-disciplinary teams comprised of a manager, clinical leader, case manager, peer support staff, and housing navigator. HOME providers deliver whole-person focused permanent supportive housing services for eligible members with chronic conditions experiencing long-term homelessness as defined in MBM, Chapter II, Section 91.     

MaineCare HOME provider services include the following:  

  • Targeted Outreach and Engagement  

  • Comprehensive Assessment  

  • Care Management  

  • Plan of Care Development  

  • Crisis Management Plan Development  

  • Care Coordination  

  • Housing and Tenancy Coordination Services  

  • Behavioral Health Services Support  

  • Habilitative and Rehabilitative Skills Development Supports  

  • Housing Transition Services   

  • Transitional Care Supports Between Healthcare Settings  

  • Peer Supports  

  • Income, Employment, Education, and Vocational Supports  

  • Crisis Management Plan Implementation Supports  

  • Tenant Support Groups  

  • Crisis Services Referral  

  • Community and Social Support Services    

For additional information and questions please contact   

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