Attention Section 97, Appendix B Residential Substance Use Providers: Webinar Offering 

DHHS is hosting a webinar to orient prospective or new Section 97, Appendix B Residential Substance Use Disorder (SUD) providers to DHHS. The webinar will include the following topics:   

  • Overview of Residential SUD programs  

  • Shelters  

  • Rehabilitation programs  

  • Halfway Houses  

  • Adolescent long-term rehabilitation  

  • Extended care programs    

  • How to enroll in MaineCare  

  • MaineCare reimbursement rates for residential SUD services   

  • Opportunities for additional programmatic support or funding    

DHHS will bring experts from the Office of MaineCare Services, Office of Behavioral Health, Division of Licensing and Certification and Office of Child and Family Services to answer questions and explain the process for becoming a residential SUD provider.     

Join us on April 14, 2023, from 11:00 AM-12:00 PM via Zoom, and please register in advance for this webinar.    

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