Attention Section 45, Hospital Distinct Psychiatric and Distinct Substance Use Disorder (SUD) Units: July 2024 Cost of Living Adjustment (COLA) Updates

MaineCare is increasing the per-diem base rates for Section 45, distinct psychiatric and distinct SUD units, as directed by MRS Title 22, §3173-J (referred to as ‘Rate Reform Statute’). The increase will be effective July 1, 2024. This increase is calculated by using inflation provided by the economic trend factor from the most recent addition of the “Healthcare Cost Review” from IHS Markit. 

The Department will post the updated per diem rates on the Health PAS Online Portal once completed.

As a reminder, instructions for Hospital Billing for Distinct Psychiatric or SUD Unit Claims are available on the Health PAS Online Portal.

For questions, please contact Tiffany Norton, Provider Relations Specialist for Section 45.

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