Attention Section 21 Per Diem Home Support and Home Support – Residential Habilitation – Family Centered Support Providers – American Rescue Plan HCBS  Designated Payments

The Department will issue one-time payments next week to qualifying providers of Per Diem Home Support and Home Support – Residential Habilitation-Family Centered Support under MaineCare Benefits Manual (MBM) Section 21, Home and Community Benefits for Members with Intellectual Disabilities or Autism Spectrum Disorder.

These payments are part of the Department’s HCBS Improvement Plan (PDF) to increase access to high-quality services. The Department is making these payments automatically, without an application or registration process. The payments are based on 1.8% of each providers State Fiscal (SFY) Year 2021 claims, or a more recent 12 contiguous months of claims if a provider did not have 12 months of claims in SFY 2021.

The payments will be issued on September 28, 2022. The date of receipt depends on individual providers’ payment formats and bank arrangements. The payments will be indicated as an “OTHER” payment on the Summary page of the paper remittance advice (RA). For providers receiving an electronic 835 remittance, the invoice number will have the special prefix “S21HS”.

This payment is part of larger Department efforts to support Home and Community Based Services providers, as outlined in a DHHS press release issued earlier today.

If you have questions, please email Bruce Cosgrove, Provider Relations Specialist, or call him at (207) 624 6927. 


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