Attention Providers: What’s Happening with Housing Webinar

The Office of MaineCare Services and Maine State Housing Authority will host a webinar, What’s Happening with Housing, on February 2, 2023. 

In 30 minutes, you will learn about:   

  • Resources for people who need housing   

  • What will change for housing resources when pandemic funding ends 

  • How the HOME program can help MaineCare members who do not have housing     

Register online to join us at 11:30 AM, Thursday, February 2, 2023. The webinar will share the latest on state legislation, resources, and housing programs from experts with Maine State Housing Authority and the Office of MaineCare Services. 

Downloadable directories of resources will be available, along with other information and the chance to ask questions. 

Check out our new MaineCare logo! Learn more about this logo on the About Us page of our website.

MaineCare logo