Attention Children’s Services Providers: COVID-19 Provider Survey 

The Maine Pediatric & Behavioral Health Partnership (MPBHP) is looking for your feedback regarding how the Covid-19 pandemic has affected your practice with children and adolescents. If you provide care to this age group, please consider completing this four-question survey. The survey will help us better understand the impact of COVID-19 on providers. Your responses will not be associated with your name, and results will only be summarized in aggregate. 

Please only complete this survey if you provide care to children and/or adolescents (age 0-21). 

About MPBHP: MPBHP provides free peer-to-peer telehealth or phone consultations with psychiatrists and psychiatric nurse practitioners within 24-48 business hours of a request to pediatric care providers and their staff. Upon registering with MPBHP, practices may seek consultation for any child, regardless of their insurance or financial status. The program is funded by a HRSA grant and the State of Maine. 

Please contact Stacey LaFlamme, Maternal and Child Health Program Manager at the Maine Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, with questions at 207-441-5324. 

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