Atrezzo Upgrade

On Monday, November 7, 2022, Kepro will upgrade their web-based platform to Atrezzo Next Generation (ANG). 

Providers are encouraged to log into the updated platform to establish their Multifactor Authentication (MFA) for the launch on Monday, November 7, 2022.  

The ANG platform is an improved interface with enhanced security features such as MFA. ANG brings the Maine Administrative Services Organization (ASO) an even more flexible, intuitive, and highly automated system that streamlines the utilization review and reporting processes for clients and providers. ANG fulfills all components of the scope of services defined in the Maine ASO Utilization Management (UM) program, as it offers the modularity and flexibility needed to evolve with the ever-changing healthcare technology landscape. Our flexibility comes from ANG’s best-in-class platform, custom-built by Kepro, which can be rapidly configured and tailored to meet ASO’s unique program needs. 

Training Plan and Resources 

Providers will experience a functioning array of resources including training manuals, informational materials, webinars, and training videos. Training materials are on the Maine ASO UM client website. Training sessions are a recorded demonstration in a live webinar to allow discussion and answer questions. There are several modules for the providers to attend based on user role permissions. Providers will receive links to register for sessions and there is still time to sign up for a live training session that works best for providers’ availability.  

For additional training requests, please email

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