Application Fee for 2025 Reminder, CR 128480

Effective January 1, 2025, in accordance with the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) application fee requirements, MaineCare’s provider enrollment application fee will increase to $730 per enrollment application. This increase will apply to new, reactivating, or revalidating providers, or when adding new service locations to an existing enrollment. You can pay the application fee by credit or debit card at the time of application submission.     

You will not be required to pay the application fee to MaineCare if you have already paid the fee within the last 12 months to another state Medicaid agency, Children’s Health Insurance Program (CHIP) or to Medicare (if you are enrolling with MaineCare in the same manner as you have with Medicare).     

See the updated Application Fee Spreadsheet  for more detail about provider types that are required to pay an application fee for each service location.     

Please contact the MaineCare Enrollment email box with questions.  

Check out our new MaineCare logo! Learn more about this logo on the About Us page of our website.

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