In April 2024, the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) introduced a new rule called the Ensuring Access to Medicaid Services Rule (Access Rule). This rule aims to make it easier for people to access important services and focuses on improving the quality of these services.
What Services Are Included?
Home and Community-Based Services (HCBS) that support people in their daily lives are included, such as:
- Personal care — Help with bathing, dressing, and eating.
- Homemaker services — Help with cleaning, cooking, and household tasks.
- Home health services — Medical care that happens at home.
- Habilitation services — Support to help people learn new skills or maintain independence.
What Changes Are Coming?
The Access Rule requires states like Maine to improve access to these services and make sure they meet certain quality standards:
- Person-Centered Planning — Making sure people’s services are based on their individual needs and choices.
- Payment and Workforce — Ensuring there are enough workers, and they are paid fairly.
- Access to Services — Making sure everyone who qualifies can get the services they need.
- Grievance Management — Helping people voice concerns or complaints about their services.
- Incident Management — Tracking and addressing any issues that affect people’s health or safety.
- Quality Measures — Checking how well the services are working.
- Beneficiary Engagement — Giving people who use Medicaid services a chance to share their experiences and ideas.
- Website Transparency — Making sure information about services is clear and easy to find online.
When Will These Changes Happen?
The changes will happen gradually. Different parts of the rule have different deadlines. The first deadline is in July 2025, one year after the rule officially takes effect.
How Can You Get Involved?
- Access Rule Focus Groups - Interested in participating in an Access Rule focus group? The Maine Department of Health and Human Services (DHHS) will host targeted focus groups on the CMS Access Rule requirements and planning for complying with the new rule. As part of our planning, it’s important for us to hear from you around what is working well and where we can improve. These sessions will cover how to plan for complying with the rule and will not focus on making policy decisions. One-hour sessions will be split into those for service providers, case managers, etc. and those for individuals and families. For more information about focus groups scheduled in February 2025, please email:
- Beneficiary Advisory Council (BAC) - Maine is creating a Beneficiary Advisory Council (BAC). This group will include people who currently use or have used Medicaid services, along with their family members and caregivers (both paid and unpaid). The BAC will work with the MaineCare Advisory Committee (MAC) to share ideas and help improve services. More information about joining the BAC is here.