For data and reports published prior to 2016, please see our archive below.
- SFY21-23 Adult Protective Services Data Trends Report (PDF)
- Maine Department of Health and Human Services Neurobehavioral Treatment Services Preliminary Report (PDF)
- Maine's System of Care for Adults with Intellectual Disabilities or Autism Annual Report - State Fiscal Year 2022 (PDF) - pursuant to 34-B MRS §5003-A(6) and §5201(8)(B).
- 2023-2024 Biennial Plan for Adults with Intellectual Disabilities or Autism (PDF) - pursuant to MRS Title 34-B §5003-A(3). This plan describes the priorities of the Department of Health and Human Services in the upcoming biennium (July 2022 through June 2024) for the system of services and supports offered to adults with intellectual disabilities or autism.
- Biennial Report for Autism Spectrum Disorder (PDF) - This report fulfills the requirement pursuant to 34-B M.R.S.A. §6004 of the Autism Act and describes the efforts of the Maine Department of Health and Human Services in conjunction with the Department of Education and other agencies to provide services to Mainers with ASD.
- Residential Care Services in Maine: A Comparison of Characteristics Across Settings 2024 (PDF)
- Efforts and Progress in Implementing the Recommendations of the Commission to Study Long-term Care Workforce Issues (PDF) - Third Annual Report Pursuant to PL 2021, c. 398, Section AAAA-7
- 2025-2028 Maine State Plan on Aging Needs Assessment Report (PDF) - This report provides a summary of findings from the statewide needs assessment conducted by the Catherine Cutler Institute, Muskie School of Public Service, University of Southern Maine (USM) in preparation of Maine 2025-2028 State Plan on Aging in accordance with the Older Americans Act.
- Respite for ME Grants - First Year Evaluation Report 2022-2023 (PDF)
- Respite for ME Grants - First Year Evaluation Report 2022-2023 - Executive Summary (PDF)
- SFY21-22 Adult Protective Services Data Trends Report (PDF)
- Developmental Disability Services Quarterly Data - State Fiscal Year 2024. Quarter 1 (PDF)
- Efforts and Progress in Implementing the Recommendations of the Commission to Study Long-term Care Workforce Issues - Second Annual Report Pursuant to PL 2021, c. 398, Section AAAA-7
- Long Term Services and Supports: Older Adults and Adults with Physical Disabilities (PDF) - pursuant to 22 M.R.S.A. §50.
- Efforts and Progress in Implementing the Recommendations of the Commission to Study Long-Term Care Workforce Issues (PDF) - pursuant to PL 2021. Ch. 398, Section AAAA-7. PowerPoint Presentation (PDF)
- 2021-2022 Biennial Plan for Adults with Intellectual Disabilities or Autism (PDF) - pursuant to M.R.S.A Title 34-B §5003-A(3). This plan describes the priorities of the Department of Health and Human Services in the upcoming biennium (July 2021 through June 2023) for the system of services and supports offered to adults with intellectual disabilities or autism.
- Biennial Report for Autism Spectrum Disorder (PDF) - This report fulfills the requirement pursuant to 34-B M.R.S.A. §6004 of the Autism Act and describes the efforts of the Maine Department of Health and Human Services in conjunction with the Department of Education and other agencies to provide services to Mainers with ASD.
- 2020-2024 Maine State Plan on Aging Needs Assessment Report (PDF) - This report provides a summary of findings from the statewide needs assessment conducted by the Muskie School of Public Service in preparation of Maine 2020-2024 State Plan on Aging in accordance with the Older Americans Act.
- Recommendations for Reform: Aging & Long-Term Services and Supports (PDF)
- 2016 LTSS Chartbook (PDF) - Population and Service Use Trends in Maine. The Chartbook provides historical and projected trends in the demographics of Maine’s population. With the aging of Maine’s population and its status as the “oldest” state in the nation, the use of long-term services and supports surfaces as a key issue of public policy.
- 2016 MaineCare LTSS QIs Across Setting (Word)
Archived Data & Reports
- Developmental Disability Services Quarterly Data - State Fiscal Year 2023, Quarter 4 (PDF)
- Developmental Disability Services Quarterly Data - State Fiscal Year 2023, Quarter 3 (PDF)
- Developmental Disability Services Quarterly Data - State Fiscal Year 2023, Quarter 2 (PDF)
- Developmental Disability Services Quarterly Data - State Fiscal Year 2023, Quarter 1 (PDF)
- 2010-2014 Adult Protective Services (General Population) Report (Word)
- 2013 Adult Protective Services (DS) Annual Report (PDF)
- 2014 Adult Protective Services (DS) Annual Report (PDF)
- Review of Maine’s Adult ID and Autism Services Report 2013-2014 (PDF)
- LTC Needs Assessment Chartbook 2012 (PDF) - Older Adults and Adults with Disabilities: Population and Service Use Trends in Maine. The Chartbook provides historical and projected trends in the demographics of Maine’s population. With the aging of Maine’s population and its status as the “oldest” state in the nation, the use of long term services and supports surfaces as a key issue of public policy.
- LTSS Cross System Profile (PDF) - A Cross-System Profile of Maine’s Long-Term Support System
- Crisis Annual Report (Word)
- ID/ASD Chartbook and Summaries:
- Dementia Chartbook (Word)
- Survey of Maine's Residential Service Settings 2010 (PDF)
- Maine Direct Service Workforce Survey Results 2012 (PDF)