Featured Research
2025 Workforce Data Revisions
Each month estimates derived from two surveys provide the most current indications of workforce conditions. In March of each year estimates from those programs are revised for previous years based on more complete information. Compared to previously published data, now official revised estimates indicate that: The number of nonfarm jobs was higher throughout 2023 and in the second half of 2024. Unemployment was lower through most of 2023 and early 2024; it was higher thereafter.
Unemployment and Labor Force
The labor force is the sum of employed and unemployed. It represents age 16+ residents of an area. Unemployed are those both seeking and available for work. Other jobless people are not in the labor force.
Career Exploration
Resources for career exploration and planning. Includes a broad overview of various types of jobs, and a tool to examine wages, number of jobs, and projected job openings in hundreds of occupations by education level and region of the state.
Education and Training Outcomes
Information on employment and wage outcomes of graduates from a participating post-secondary institutions and from apprenticeship programs.
Job Outlook
Jobs today differ from in the past and will differ in the future. Projections of occupational job openings are a tool for career exploration and planning.