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Unemployment and Labor Force

The labor force is the sum of employed and unemployed. It represents age 16+ residents of an area. Unemployed are those both seeking and available for work. Other jobless people are not in the labor force.

Jobs and Wages

Represents wage and salary jobs held with employers located in an area.

Job Outlook

Jobs today differ from in the past and will differ in the future. Projections of occupational job openings are a tool for career exploration and planning.

Education and Training Outcomes

Information on employment and wage outcomes of graduates from a participating post-secondary institutions and from apprenticeship programs.

Workers with Disabilities

Employment and other measures on workers with and without disabilities for characteristics such as age, area of the state, disability type, educational attainment, earnings, and other metrics.

Workforce Report

Charts highlighting statewide labor market trends, including labor force participation, and the shifting industry and occupational structure of jobs. Conditions by county for various metrics also are highlighted.