County data provides local market context. Most people commute to work in a different community from where they live, so it usually is better to look at a surrounding area than at a single community. Less data is published for counties than for the state as whole.
County Profiles
Selected characteristics and trends for each county, including population, labor force, unemployment, jobs by industry, occupational wages, income, poverty, and educational attainment.
Unemployment and Labor Force Estimates by County
Monthly and annual estimates representing age 16+ residents of an area, regardless of where they may work. Estimates are subject to revisions over time.
Quarterly and Annual Employment and Wages by County
Quarterly and annual counts of jobs held and wages paid. Provides greatest industry and area detail on jobs reported by employers. This data often is used as a time series, though certain administrative factors sometimes make for imperfect comparisons.
Occupational Employment and Wage Estimates by County
Annual estimates of jobs and wages for more than 600 occupations. Estimates are derived from employer surveys. Data is useful for understanding market wages, the share of jobs in various functions, and for career exploration.
Monthly Industry Employment by County
Monthly jobs held by major industry statewide and by county in employer establishments.
Top Private Employers in Maine by County
50 largest employers statewide and 25 largest by county, quarterly and annually.
County Employers and Employment by Size Class
Jobs by firm or establishment size by sector or county.