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Employers and Employment by Size Class

Data is from the Quarterly Census of Employment and Wages (QCEW) program. These data represent an annual snapshot of private and not for profit sector employers and jobs. Employers are grouped by the total number of jobs (size class) reported at that establishment or firm. 

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This information can be used to better understand how employers of different sizes comprise Maine’s labor market, by industry and regionally. Federal, state and local government employers are not included in this dataset.

QCEW data is derived from employer tax filings. Confidentiality rules related to information collected through taxation prevents disclosure of information for individual employers. There must be more than two employers in an industry or area with no one exceeding 80 percent of jobs for data to be published. QCEW data represents the place of each individual’s work and not their place of residence. Extensive information on QCEW, including methods of collection, compilation, and much more, is available at bls.gov/cew/

Employers with zero reported employment at the time of the snapshot are excluded from the interactive data visualizations (though are included in the downloadable spreadsheet). Employers may report zero employment for a number of reasons such as seasonal employers who may be temporarily dormant and may employ staff at other times during the year.

Across all size classes, total employment by firm and establishment size may not be the same due to reporting errors from firms with multiple establishments. These reporting errors represent a negligible fraction of total jobs.