On a statewide basis more information is available than for areas of the state. It provides a standard for comparison when examining smaller areas.
Unemployment and Labor Force Estimates
Monthly and annual estimates representing age 16+ residents of an area, regardless of where they may work. Estimates are subject to revisions over time.
Nonfarm Jobs
Monthly and annual estimates of jobs held statewide and by metro area for industry sectors. Data is provided on both seasonally- or not-seasonally adjusted basis. Estimates are derived from a large survey of employers; they are revised to the lagging complete job count annually. This is the best series for industry comparisons over time.
Quarterly and Annual Employment and Wages
Monthly and annual estimates of jobs held statewide and by metro area for industry sectors. Data is provided on both seasonally- or not-seasonally adjusted basis. Estimates are derived from a large survey of employers; they are revised to the lagging complete job count annually. This is the best series for industry comparisons over time.
Occupational Employment and Wage Estimates
Annual estimates of jobs and wages for more than 600 occupations. Estimates are derived from employer surveys. Data is useful for understanding market wages, the share of jobs in various functions, and for career exploration.
Employment Projections
Ten-year projections of employment in more than 600 occupations statewide and for three workforce regions of the state.
High-Wage, In-Demand Jobs
Occupations that have median wages higher than for all jobs combined that are projected to have 20 or more annual job openings over ten years.
Monthly Industry Employment
Monthly jobs held by major industry statewide and by county in employer establishments.
Top Private Employers in Maine
50 largest employers statewide and 25 largest by county, quarterly and annually.
Employers and Employment by Size Class
Jobs by firm or establishment size by sector or county.
Demographics of Employment and Unemployment
Annual labor force and unemployment status by age, industry, occupation, veteran, full- and part-time, hours worked, reason and duration of unemployment, and other status measures.