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Demographics of Employment and Unemployment

This data is derived from Current Population Survey (CPS). The Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS) partners with the US Census Bureau to conduct the survey of approximately 60,000 households on a monthly basis. Approximately 800 of these households are in Maine. The survey asks about employment and unemployment or actively seeking work, educational attainment, reasons for unemployment, and others factor to provide a more comprehensive picture of the labor force. 

Note: Data for demographic groups are not shown when they do not meet BLS publication standards of reliability for the particular area based on the sample in that area. Items may not sum to totals due to rounding.

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Important Considerations

Because of the limited size of the CPS sample, only annual average statewide data is reliable enough to publish. Margins of error can be large, particularly for small segments of the population.

Level estimates presented here are not strictly comparable between years due to population revisions by the US Census. In Maine, revisions are generally minor between decennial censuses. Rates, ratios, and percent distributions are comparable between years.

The labor force estimates included in these tables differ from the official statewide estimates published by the Local Area Unemployment Statistics (LAUS) program. LAUS uses a statistical model that utilizes unemployment insurance claims and payroll data in addition to the CPS survey in order to provide more reliable estimates on a monthly and annual basis.

The tables on this site are updated as new data become available. A complete set of 2013 tables will be posted in late summer when BLS publishes Geographic Profiles of Employment and Unemployment.