The unemployment compensation program provides benefits to workers who lose a job and meet eligibility requirements. These data represent a snapshot of those filing continued claims, indicating they remain unemployed after an initial claim has been filed, during the week that includes the 12th day of the month. For more information see the Read Me section of the Downloadable Data.
- Learn More about Characteristics of Claimants
Congress enacted temporary unemployment programs under the CARES Act of March of 2020, which were extended by the Continued Assistance for Unemployed Workers Act of 2020 that included the Pandemic Unemployment Assistance (PUA) and Pandemic Emergency Unemployment Compensation (PEUC) programs. Those programs ended in September, 2021. In addition to temporary federal programs, Maine triggered onto state Extended Benefits (EB) in May 2020. The state EB program is in effect during times of high unemployment; the program triggered off in Maine in November 2020. Disaster Unemployment Assistance became available for people impacted by storms in December, 2023 and January, 2024.
Source: Maine Department of Labor