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Field Trip Opportunities

Maine Wildlife Park
Maine Wildlife Park Virtual Field Trips
Join us for a series of virtual field trips to the Maine Wildlife Park!
Each presentation is recorded and available to view after the program is completed.
Past Presentations
Amazing Animal Adaptations WATCH NOW
All wildlife has to be able to get food, water, shelter, and a place to raise young. Join us as we look at the different skills, methods, and body parts that animals use to help them get what they need and avoid being preyed upon. We will take a look at the many ways animals adapt to survive here in Maine.
Leave it to Beavers WATCH NOW
Beavers are one of the few animals on this planet that can build and completely change their surroundings using learned construction skills. Join as we take a look at Maine’s largest aquatic rodent and how they are best suited for life in water.
Bird Adaptations WATCH NOW
Birds are found all over the world but there are a few things that they all have in common, and one thing that is unique to birds from all other living animals. Join as we take a look at what makes birds so special and learn why we are so excited to talk about birds here in Maine.
Terrific Turtles of Maine WATCH NOW
Warm weather brings out many different animals, and turtles are starting to travel out of their ponds to lay eggs. Join us as we take a look at this unique and ancient group of reptiles, as we learn what is so special about their shells and what are some species that live here in Maine.
Owls of Maine WATCH NOW
Owls have fascinated humans for centuries, and mostly because they are out at night. What makes them so special and well adapted to a nocturnal lifestyle? Join us as we take a close look at owls of Maine.
Animal Senses WATCH NOW
Wildlife are animals just like us, and just like us they must be able to understand their environment using their senses. Join us as we look at some animals found here in Maine and the ways they use their incredible senses such as smell, sight, and hearing. After all, not all animals see, smell, or hear the same way we do.
Where Wildlife go in Winter WATCH NOW
Have you ever wondered what different animals do to survive winter here in Maine? Do bears really sleep all winter and where have all the birds gone? What about frogs and turtles? Join us for a look at some of the diverse ways that Maine's wildlife have adapted to survive the chilly and snowy winters.
Nocturnal Wildlife WATCH NOW
Join us for a look at a few of the animals in Maine who enjoy the nightlife. We will learn why some animals prefer the cover of darkness and what adaptations they have to help them survive.
Maine's Black Bears WATCH NOW
Join us for a virtual wildlife talk from Maine Wildlife Park as we talk about the ghost of the Maine woods, black bears. We will take a look at their unique adaptations and hopefully get a glimpse at the bears that live at Maine Wildlife Park.
Maine's Moose WATCH NOW
Join us for a virtual wildlife talk from Maine Wildlife Park as we take a look at the iconic moose of Maine. We will take a look at some of their amazing adaptations and hopefully get one of the resident moose of Maine Wildlife Park to stop by.
Maine's White-tailed Deer WATCH NOW
Join us for a virtual wildlife talk from Maine Wildlife Park as we talk about the white-tailed deer of Maine. We will take a look at some of their amazing features, and take a look at some Maine Wildlife Park resident deer.
Magnificent Moose in Maine WATCH NOW
Did you know moose are the largest species of deer? Moose are one of the best known mammals of Maine and visitors and residents alike are always trying to get a look. Join us as we talk about the amazing adaptations of moose. We will also take a look at the moose that live at Maine Wildlife Park.
Maine’s Raptors WATCH NOW
Learn the unique adaptations of raptors, birds of prey, such as owls, eagles, hawks, vultures, and falcons. We will learn how these carnivores get food, and look at how they are similar but different due to the habitats in which they live, and when they are most active. We will even take a look at owl pellets and how they provide clues of the habitat they hunt. We may even get to see a live bird.
Amazing Animal Adaptations WATCH NOW
Maine wildlife exhibits an amazing variety of physical and behavioral characteristics that enable them to survive and do their jobs within their environment. We will learn about Maine’s native wildlife and the amazing adaptations that help them survive. We will take a look at how animals adapt to different habitats, and examine things like why moose and deer grow antlers, or how aquatic animals adapt to stay in the water so long, how camouflage benefits animals in different habitats, and more! We will look at furs, skulls, and maybe even see a live animal.
Maine's Busy Beavers WATCH NOW
Beavers are one of few animals that can create their own habitat, or place to live. There are many in Maine, and they have an interesting life cycle. Using natural artifacts, skins, skulls and beaver ‘chew’, we will explore the world of the beaver, and identify its many physical adaptations. We may even get to see a live beaver.
Carnivores of Maine WATCH NOW
Lynx, mink, bobcat, loons, eagles, and more are all at the top of their food chains and integral parts of the ecology. What key roles do these top predators play in a food chain. We will take a look at the adaptations of top predators using furs, feathers, and skulls to learn about a variety of predators and their important roles in the ecosystem. We may even get to see a live animal.
Maine’s Native Turtles WATCH NOW
Turtles are an ancient group of reptiles and we have many species in Maine. We will take a look at the adaptations of both land and aquatic turtles native to Maine, and learn about their natural history, the habitats in which they are found, and some of the threats facing turtles (many are endangered or threatened). With the help of our turtle ambassadors and some natural turtle artifacts we will examine the amazing adaptations of turtles.
Maine’s Small Mammals WATCH NOW
Many of Maine’s mammals are small and have different ways of living. Some live in trees like squirrels, and others around water like otters, muskrats, and mink. Some are herbivores while others are carnivores, but each has their own unique adaptations. We will take a look at a few of these species you can find in Maine using furs, skulls, and other natural artifacts, and maybe even get a chance to see a live animal.
Bird Adaptations WATCH NOW
Birds can live in many different habitats and climates, and eat a wide variety of food depending on their style of beak. Using mounted specimens of different bird species, we’ll look at the many different adaptations birds exhibit to survive in their particular habitats. We will look at color, beak shape, feet, feathers, and diet. We will also learn what characteristics define birds and what feature is unique to birds that no other living creature has. We may even get a chance to see a live bird.