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Nature-Based Educational Activities & Materials
Learning is fun, especially when you are learning about nature! Look below for downloadable activities, worksheets, coloring sheets, and educational posters.

Make the outdoors your favorite classroom with these fun, exciting activities. Activities are sorted by ages and activity type for quick reference, but many are suitable for all ages and even adults, for hikes or around the yard. Be sure to assist or supervise young children.
Ages 3-7
Activities for walks, hikes, or around the yard
- A to Z Hike (PDF)
- Colors & Shapes Hike (PDF)
- Colors Hike (PDF)
- Eye Spy (PDF)
- Nature Detective (PDF)
- Shapes Hike (PDF)
- Things with Wings (PDF)
Ages 8-15
Activities for walks and hikes
- Scavenger Hunt - Early Autumn (PDF)
- Scavenger Hunt - Early Spring (PDF)
- Scavenger Hunt - Early Winter (PDF)
- Scavenger Hunt - Late Autumn (PDF)
- Scavenger Hunt - Late Spring (PDF)
- Scavenger Hunt - Summer (PDF)
- Scavenger Hunt - Winter (PDF)
Activities for outside or at home
- Animal Tracks Stories (PDF)
- Bird Beak Buffet (PDF)
- Build Your Own Animal Tracks (PDF)
- Design a New Maine Animal (PDF)
- Fish Watch (PDF) on a rainy or cold day look online (https://youtu.be/P44kXSpY3YY)
- Sound Mapping (PDF)
- This Nest is a Mess (PDF)
- Tree Trust Walk (PDF)
Any age/family
Activities for walks and hikes
Going for A Walk - Tips and Ideas (PDF)
Bugs all Around Scavenger Hunt (PDF)
Nature Bingo (PDF)
Activities for outside or at home
Educational Videos
Videos can be a great way to learn from the comfort of your own home or classroom. Check out these past virtual presentations from the Maine Wildlife Park or visit our YouTube channel at www.youtube.com/mefishwildlife
Winter Outdoor Activity Virtual Series
Wednesday, December 30 at 1pm: Signs of Winter Wildlife
Worksheets/Coloring Sheets
Bring nature inside with these downloadable worksheets and coloring sheets. Worksheets/coloring sheets are sorted by ages for quick reference, but many are suitable for all ages and even adults. Be sure to assist or supervise young children.
Ages 8-15

- Messing Around in the Maine Outdoors Activity Book (PDF) - Coloring sheets, word searches, puzzles, and more.
- A Bit About Bites (PDF)
- Animal Adaptations (PDF)
- Beaks & Feet (PDF)
- Busy as a Beaver (PDF)
- Beavers in the Food Chain (PDF)
- The Black Bear (PDF)
- Black Bears Food Chain (PDF)
- The Eyes Have It (PDF)
- Reptiles & Amphibians in Winter (PDF)
Any age/family
- Animals of Maine - Coloring Poster (8 1/2" x 11") (PDF)
- Season in Maine - Coloring Poster, NEW (11" x 17") (PDF)
- Draw a bird - The Bald Eagle (PDF)
Downloadable Resources
Learn how to identify Maine animal tracks, fish, and mammals!
Downloadable Publications
The first edition of You Alone in the Maine Woods, the Lost Hunter’s Guide, was created in 1972 and it was most recently updated in 2020. This guide teaches outdoor enthusiasts how to be prepared for a trek in the Maine woods and makes them aware of procedures to follow should they become lost or injured.
You Alone in the Maine Woods (PDF).