Skills and Exam Sessions

County Location Contact Date/Time Availability Register Online
Androscoggin Lewiston - Kora Shrine Center John Wilson - (207) 783-6450 or for questions/information April 13, 8am-4pm Accepting Students

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Washington Jonesboro - Inland Fisheries & Wildlife Regional Office Haleigh White - (207) 214-4561 or April 26, 8am-4pm Accepting Students

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Oxford Newry - Grand Summit Hotel; Sunday River Gary Proulx - (207) 215-9167 or for questions/information April 05, 8am-4pm Accepting Students

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Franklin Wilton - Wilton Fish & Game John Gonter (413) 548-6172 or for questions/information April 13, 8:30am-3:30pm Accepting Students

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Can't find a course for your area? Contact the Recreational Safety Division Office at (207) 287-5220.