Welcome to the Maine DOE Literacy hub, where you can find resources
Literacy Programs
Literacy Resources
- High-Quality, Evidence-Based Literacy Instruction - Guidance for Maine school administrative units that outlines the tenets to which high-quality early literacy programming (Pre-K to Grade 3) should be aligned.
- By the Numbers - Collection of Maine related literacy data and data resources organized by age/grade spans.
- Progression of literacy learning targets for age/grade spans from birth to adult, written in less technical terms than standards documents.
- Infants and Toddlers (Birth-Age 2)
- Preschoolers (Ages 3-5)
- Students in Grades K-2
- Students in Grades 3-5
- Students in Grades 6-8
- Students in Grades 9-Diploma
Lee Anne Larsen
Director, Early Learning
Phone: 207-624-6628
Email: Leeann.Larsen@maine.gov
Dee Saucier
Inclusive Education Literacy Specialist & Dyslexia Coordinator
Phone: 207-441-1383
Email: Danielle.M.Saucier@maine.gov