Inquiry-Based Instruction & Multilingual Learners

Children looking at a globe

Inquiry-based instruction has been around for a long time. But what is it exactly? How do you use it in your classes?  The following materials provide a general overview of inquiry-based instruction and its connection to interdisciplinary instruction.  If you want to learn more, determine the level of inquiry you want to start with and follow the links provided below.

Multilingual learners (ML) replaces the term English-language learners (ELL or EL).  

Inquiry-based instruction provides a rich learning environment for multilingual learners.  In this learning experience, MLs encounter both content and language learning opportunities.  In this way, they learn appropriately-level content while working on their English skills in real-world, meaningful contexts.  Watch the videos and explore the resources below to learn more about how to use inquiry-based practices with your multilingual learners.

Using Inquiry with Multilingual Learners


Using the 5Es with Multilingual Learners