Office of Special Services & Inclusive Education is dedicated to improving results for students with disabilities by providing leadership, support, and oversight to local education agencies. The Office of Special Services and Inclusive Education is committed to ensuring the provision of a free, appropriate public education in the least restrictive environment for children with disabilities (ages 3 to 22), as well as early intervention services to infants and toddlers (birth through age 2). Our work is accomplished through collaboration with families, school districts, public and private agencies, and other programs.
Special Education & Inclusion Home

Child Development Services
The Child Development Services system is an Intermediate Educational Unit that provides both Early Intervention (birth through two years) and Free Appropriate Public Education (for ages three through five years) under the supervision of the Maine Department of Education. The CDS system ensures the provision of special education rules and federal and state regulations statewide through a network of regional sites.

IDEA Supervision, Monitoring & Support
The Maine State Department of Education has developed monitoring and data collection processes to meet the general supervision requirements outlined in the Individuals with Disabilities Act (IDEA) of 2004. These processes are compliant with the IDEA State Performance Plan Indicators and focus on growth in Federally mandated performance areas.

Effective Dispute Resolution &
Legal Resources
Dispute resolution options available to parents and school districts regarding situations that may arise during the Special Education process. In addition to information on mediation, due process hearing requests, and state complaint investigation requests, the links include information about special education laws and regulations.
- MUSER/Chapter 101
- Laws & Regulations
- Facilitated IEPs
- Resources for Families

Special Projects for Inclusion
Special Projects for Inclusion team provides support and professional learning opportunities for administrators, educators, and families to ensure that students with disabilities have equitable access to the general education curriculum and environment, including high expectations and meaningful opportunities for engagement with their peers and community.

IDEA Data & Reporting
The Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA) requires each state to report to the public on state-level data and individual school division-level data and to report on whether the state and the divisions met state targets described in the state’s special education State Performance Plan/Annual Performance Report (SPP/APR)

Funding & Fiscal Accountability
The Office of Special Services is required to provide oversight in the distribution and use of IDEA funds at the state and local levels. The state system of general supervision includes mechanisms to provide oversight in the distribution and use of IDEA funds at the state and local levels.
- Allowable Costs Manual
- Local Entitlement Timeline
- Part B Interactive Spreadsheet
- School Administrative Unit Allocations
- Special Purpose Private Schools (SPPS) - Coronavirus Aid, Relief, and Economic Security (CARES) Rates
- EF-S-04 Department of Education State Agency Client Reimbursement Request Form
Erin Frazier
State Director of Special Services Birth to 22
Office of Special Services & Inclusive Education
Phone: 207-624-6608
Email: Erin.Frazier@maine.gov