The Office of Higher Education & Educator Support Services works with educators through each phase of their career, from attending an educator preparation program at a college or university to earning certification, entering the field, and growing their skills through mentorship and professional development. Guided by the Maine DOE's Teach Maine initiative, our staff are eager to help anyone with an interest in working in Maine schools, whether they are an interested college/university student, an educator moving from another state, or someone changing careers entirely. In addition to these services, this office also represents the Maine DOE in the oversight of institutions of higher education.

Higher Education
The Higher Education team works with the State Board of Education in the review process for educator preparation programs and institutions requesting degree-granting authority. It also provides licensing for proprietary schools in Maine and fulfills transcript requests for certain closed colleges and universities in the state

The Certification team works with educators seeking credentials to work in Maine schools. In addition to processing applications for educational technicians, educator specialists, teacher, and administrative certifications, the team processes the fingerprinting/background checks required of all public school staff.

Educator Recruitment & Retention
The Educator Recruitment and Retention Team offers a suite of support services designed to meet educators where they are in their career journey, and tailors support in collaboration with each educator and their vision for their career. The team listens, problem-solves, builds bridges, offers training, and navigates with each educator so they can find their place in Maine’s community of educators.
For Higher Education Inquiries: Michael T. Perry Director of Higher Education & Educator Support Services Email: highered.doe@maine.gov |
For Certification Inquiries: Erin Reinhard Certification Coordinator Email: cert.doe@maine.gov |