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Frequently Asked Questions
What is it like being a Maine Game Warden?
When you go to work as a Maine Game Warden, you never know for sure what you will be doing that day. You could be educating the public regarding laws, investigating crimes, finding a lost or missing child, arresting a wanted person, or any one of a thousand other things. There is certainly no monotony in this job and every day you are making a difference.
Do I need a college degree?
A college degree is not required to apply. Some candidates choose to pursue a college degree in a field of study such as criminal justice, wildlife ecology, or fisheries management before they apply, but it is not expected or required.
How can I prepare for the hiring process?
Before you can apply to the Maine Warden Service, you are required to pass the entrance exams to the Maine Criminal Justice Academy: the Physical Fitness Test and the ALERT exam. You can register for the ALERT and Physical Fitness Test exams by calling the Academy at 1-207-877-8000.
You must pass the physical test within one year prior to your Warden Service application date.
You should also prepare for the hiring process by being active in outdoor activities such as hunting, fishing and trapping, becoming familiar with Maine's hunting and fishing laws and rules, and learning more about the state’s fish and wildlife resources.
How do I apply to take the Maine Criminal Justice Academy’s ALERT and Physical Fitness exams?
The ALERT and Physical Fitness exams are the entrance exams to the Maine Criminal Justice Academy and are prerequisites to apply for the position of Maine Game Warden. You can register for the ALERT and Physical Fitness Test exams by calling the Academy at 1-207-877-8000.
How old do I need to be to apply?
Candidates must be at least 21 years of age to apply OR be age 20 with 60 college credits or more. We have no age limit restrictions.
Do I need to be a Maine resident to apply?
You do not need to be a Maine resident to apply.
Will I be paid when I am in the Basic Law Enforcement Training Program and the Advanced Warden Academy?
Yes, newly hired game wardens, or cadets, are paid during their attendance at the Maine Criminal Justice Academy and the Advanced Warden Training Academy.
Are there promotion opportunities or specialized career paths?
Yes, opportunities for promotions are based on ability, education and seniority. The Warden Service also has a wide array of specialized career paths with lateral mobility, some of these include: Airboat Operator, Canine Handler, Dive Team, Division Investigator, Evidence Response Team, Emergency Vehicle Operations Course (EVOC) Instructor, Forensic Mapping Specialist, Field Training Officer, Firearms Instructor, Honor Guard Member, Hover Craft Operator, Incident Management Team Member, Pilot (Air Wing), Police Academy Cadre Member, Police Academy Instructor, Warden Academy Instructor, and Whitewater Specialist.
Where will I live?
Those who apply for the position of game warden will not know where they will be living at the time of application. Nearly a year will expire between the time of initial application and entry into the field as a game warden. Because of this, it is impossible for the Department to know what will be open one year in advance due to retirements, promotions and other employee movement around the state. A willingness to move anywhere in the state is required of those who apply for the position. At some point during training for new game wardens, a district assignment will be given by the Colonel so plans to move into that area can begin to be made.
Do you have additional questions? Fill out this form to learn more or to set up a time to meet with a recruiter.