2025 Maine State Wildlife Action Plan Revision

Maine's State Wildlife Action Plans serves as our blueprints for proactively conserving fish and wildlife to prevent species from becoming endangered. First created in 2005, the plan is updated every 10 years to periodically evaluate the health of wildlife populations and identify conservation opportunities.

Now is our chance—MDIFW, conservation partners, and you, the public—to set the framework for the next 10 years of conservation. Together we can better protect Maine's fish, wildlife, and natural resources.

Get Involved

Wood turtle photo by Trevor Persons

Conservation partners and the public are critical to updating the plan and putting its recommendations into practice. The public will be invited to share their thoughts via surveys and focus groups, additional details will be posted on this website page as they are scheduled.

Seeking Input: Species of Greatest Conservation Need List

We are currently seeking public feedback on the draft Species of Greatest Conservation Need (SGCN) list and priority ranking for the species. Forms should be completed by Sunday, April 20, 2025. To participate: 

Step One: View current Species of Greatest Conservation Need draft list

Step Two: View information on the criteria for SGCN for listing and ranking.

Step Three: Share your feedback using the online form.

Maine's conservation partners and members of the public can learn more about Maine's Wildlife Action Plan and what has been accomplished since the 2015 plan was published by watching this video. This background will be especially informative during public comments periods.