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Partners in Amphibian and Reptile Conservation (PARC)

MDIFW continues to cooperate with an initiative entitled Partners in Amphibian and Reptile Conservation (PARC). Modeled partly after the successful Partners in Flight (PIF) bird conservation program, PARC’s mission is to forge partnerships among diverse public and private organizations in an effort to stem recent declines of amphibian and reptile (herpetofauna) populations worldwide. MDIFW regularly participates in northeastern chapter PARC meetings where discussions focus on conservation initiatives for priority amphibians, reptiles, and habitats.
To date, PARC-Northeast has made progress on a) drafting model state herpetofauna regulations, b) compiling a list of regional species of conservation concern, c) publishing management recommendations for important habitats, and d) designing guidelines for identifying high value focus areas entitled Priority Amphibian and Reptile Conservation Areas (PARCAs). For more information on national PARC conservation efforts, or to join the northeastern chapter, visit the PARC website.