Multilingual Learners with Disabilities

Maine is committed to ensuring a free appropriate public education (FAPE) for all students with disabilities. This includes providing equitable access for students who are multilingual learners, who may be intellectually gifted, have a learning disability, display a behavior disorder, or have multiple disabilities, like any other student. All students will be given equal access to appropriate educational services. The appropriate referral, identification, and placement of learners who are culturally and/or linguistically diverse is necessary to ensure students' civil rights as well as FAPE aligned with the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA). Guidance, resources, and opportunities for professional learning to support educators teaching multilingual learners with disabilities (MLSWD) are available below. 

The Maine Department of Education uses the term multilingual learner (ML)* to describe all students in PreK through 12th grade who have been formally identified through the Language Use Survey and administration of an English language proficiency screener as outlined in Maine’s Identification and Placement Guidance document
*Honoring and Celebrating All Languages Spoken By Maine Students With the Shift to Multilingual Learners Terminology
Policy Guide Thumbnail
Identifying & Serving Multilingual Learners with Disabilities

The Maine DOE ESOL and Special Services and Inclusive Education teams collaborated to develop Maine’s first guidance manual on Identifying and Serving Multilingual Learners with Disabilities.  

The purpose of this policy and resource guide is to provide school administrative units (SAUs) with guidance on a multi-step process to appropriately identify and evaluate students who are multilingual learners with identified disabilities in need of special education services. 

Download the Policy & Resource Guide

Identifying Multilingual Learners with Disabilities Policy Guide Companion Resources

Policy & resource guide FAQ Highlights one-pager.

Download One-Pager

Additional Resources

New Professional Learning Series

The Maine Department of Education’s (DOE) Office of Special Services and Inclusive Education (OSSIE) and Office of Teaching and Learning (OTL) collaborated to facilitate a six-session professional learning series to support educators across Maine who work with multilingual learners with disabilities.
This professional learning series is structured to foster collaboration and collective efficacy to address students’ linguistic, cultural, and academic strengths through the intersection of language acquisition and disability. Utilize these resources to leverage professional learning opportunities to strengthen team-based collaboration to build linguistically appropriate IEPs for multilingual learners. The accompanying text, IEPs for ELs and Other Diverse Learners, by John J. Hoover and James R. Patton, is available through Corwin Publishing.

The Intersection of English Language Acquisition and Individualized Education Programs: Building Linguistically Responsive Individual Education Plans (IEPs) for Multilingual Learners
Facilitated by Leora Byras, Education Specialist, Office of Special Services and Inclusive Education, and Melissa Frans, Teacher Leader Fellow for Multilingual Learners with Disabilities, Office of Teaching and Learning

For Upcoming Sessions, Please Visit our Professional Learning Page!

Past Sessions & Resources




Session 1

Foundational Knowledge: Legal Regulations, Civil Rights and Data Overview

Session 1 Slide Deck
Session 1 Recording

Session 2
Collaboration and Integrating Individual Language Access Plans (ILAPs) and IEPs

              Session 2 Slide Deck                Session 2 Recording

Session 3
IEPS for Multilingual Learners: Section 3 Special Factors

Session 3 Slide Deck
Session 3 Recording

Federal Resources
Other Resources



Jane Armstrong
ESOL State Specialist

Melanie Junkins
Multilingual and Bilingual Education Specialist

Leora Byras
Education Specialist III