Why Teach?

Teachers Empower 

If you like a challenge and the daily satisfaction of knowing that what you are doing really matters, teaching may be a good fit for you. As a teacher, you will work hard while building skills to connect with each learner in ways that they will remember.

The Maine Teacher of the Year program honors the contributions and elevates the voices of Maine's classroom teachers. Together each year, the 16 County Teachers of the Year and State Teacher of the Year serve as ambassadors of the teaching profession.

Teachers Inspire 

Maine's schools and school administrative units are as unique as Maine's geography. Within each school, teachers bring their own unique style and personality to the art and science of teaching. Each February, during the #LoveTeaching Campaign, Maine DOE partners with NewsCenter 6 to create videos of teachers sharing why they love to teach.

Talented, compassionate teachers can make lasting impressions on students in big and small ways. Click on the video below, to hear Emily Pauk recite an original poem about one of her teachers.

If you are curious about actions steps to become a teacher, learn more by following the button below... 

Getting Started in Education


Diana Doiron
Education Workforce Development Specialist
Phone: 207-592-2128
Email Diana