Resources from the Assessment Team

Resources for the 2024-25 School Year

State assessments are designed to measure what a student knows and can do in relation to grade level content. These assessments play a critical role at the federal, state and local levels in decision making and the allocation of necessary supports and resources to schools.

Register for Office Hours

Office hours will resume in September, meeting at noon on the second Wednesday of every month.


Maine Comprehensive Assessment System Guidelines 2024-2025

The Maine Comprehensive Assessment System (MECAS) Guidelines 2024-2025 provides SAUs and schools with detailed information regarding the enrollments and required state assessment participation for Maine students.


Special Considerations Exemption Instructions & Resources

A Special Consideration is a request for a student to be exempt from participation in a required Maine Educational Assessment (MEA) due to medical reasons. This request must be submitted within the open assessment window of each specific applicable assessment.

Special Considerations Exemption Instructions - This process for assessment exemption is intended to be used in the rare instances when a student cannot participate in either instruction or assessment. In these cases, a request for State approval of non-participation must be made through the NEO Portal. 


Assessment Literacy Basics

In these modules, you will learn about what balanced assessment systems and Summative Assessment, and why they are beneficial to students. A Google form is included at the end of each module and can be completed to earn a contact hours certificate.


Assessment Coordinator Search

Use this to search for Assessment Coordinators and Data Specialists in each district (no login required). If a DAC in NEO needs to be updated/changed, follow steps outlined here (login credentials required).


Why Participation Matters

Maine Educational Assessments: Why Participation Matters


Monthly Updates
Office Hours
Register for Office Hours!

August 19, 2024

September 11, 2024

October 9, 2024

November 13, 2024

December 11, 2024

January 8, 2025

February 12, 2025

Federal Requirements for State Assessments

Section 1111(b)(2)(B) of the Elementary and Secondary Education Act (ESEA) as amended by the Every Student Succeeds Act (ESSA) of 2015 requires the same assessment be used to measure the achievement of all public elementary and secondary school students in the state.

Section 1111(b)(2)(B) Requirements: The assessments under subparagraph (A) shall - (i) Except as provided in subparagraph (D), be
(I) The same academic assessments used to measure the achievement of all public elementary school and secondary school students in the State; And (II) Administered to all public elementary school and secondary school students in the State;

Section 1111(c)(4)(E) of ESSA indicates: (E) Annual Assessment of Achievement - (i) Annually measure the achievement of not less than 95 percent of all students, and 95 of all students in each subgroup of students, who are enrolled in public schools on the assessments described under subsection (b)(2)(v)(I). (ii)For the purpose of measuring, calculating and reporting on the indicator described in subparagraph (B)(i), include in the denominator the greater of
(I) 95 percent of all students, or 95 percent of all such students in the subgroup, as the case may be; or (II) The number of students participating in the assessments (III) Provide a clear and understandable explanation of how the State will factor the requirement of clause (i) of this subparagraph into the statewide accountability system.

Federal statute requires that parents receive a notification indicating their right to request the districts policies and procedures regarding student participation in state and local assessments. When this information is requested, the district will provide all applicable information to families. The district should be prepared to provide families with their assessment related policies and procedures, this would include an non-participation (opt-out) procedure if the district and school has such a procedure in place.

Section 1112(e)(2)(A) of ESSA indicates: (2) Testing transparency
(A) In general At the beginning of each school year, a local educational agency that receives funds under this part shall notify the parents of each student attending any school receiving funds under this part that the parents may request, and the local educational agency will provide the parents on request (and in a timely manner), information regarding any State or local educational agency policy regarding student participation in any assessments mandated by Section 1111(b)(2) and by the State or local education agency, which shall include a policy, procedure, or parental right to opt the child out of such assessment, where applicable. 

Maine DOE includes all students in all public schools in the State in each indicator of the State's accountability system for Title I purposes, unless a Title I exception applies.