Early Childhood Educator Workforce Salary Supplement System

The Maine Early Childhood Workforce Salary Supplement System assists eligible child care providers in paying competitive salaries to address challenges in the child care workforce and ensure access to affordable, high-quality child care options for Maine families.

The system provides salary supplements to providers for eligible workers based on the workers’ level of education and experience.

This system is available to child care providers and early childhood educators who provide direct child care services to children in licensed child care facilities or are licensed family child care providers.

§3737-A. Early childhood educator workforce salary supplements

Early Childhood Educator Workforce Salary Supplement Tiered System Webinar

Early Childhood Educator Workforce Salary Supplement Tiered System FAQs (Word)

New providers must first create a profile before registering for the Salary Supplement System.

Register here for Early Childhood Educator Workforce Salary Supplement System

Early Childhood Educator Workforce Salary Supplement System Rules (Word)

Department response to public comment (PDF)

Early Childhood Educator Salary Supplement System Rules Memo (PDF)

Eligible Programs

Eligible Educators

  • Employed by an eligible program
  • Registered and active in the Maine Roads to Quality (MRTQ) Registry
  • Must have completed the State approved health and safety training within 90 days of hire
  • Must provide direct child care services to children
  • Must meet all eligibility requirements in Section 2 of the Rules
  • All eligible staff includes family child care providers, owners and directors of programs

Supplment Tier Levels

ECE Workforce Registry Levels


Monthly Supplement Amount

Tier 1

Level 1, Level 2, Level 3, Level 4


Tier 2

Level 5, Level 6


 Tier 3

Level 7, Level 8


Important Reminders

  • Child care staff presently in the Maine Roads to Quality (MRTQ) registry as Level 0 are not eligible for the salary supplement payments. To move from a Level 0 to a Level 1, staff are required to complete the free, on-demand health and safety training, be properly registered in the MRTQ registry, and have 30 days of experience to be eligible.
  • The Salary Supplement registration portal closes for updates on the last day of the month. While the portal is closed programs cannot go in and make
    updates. Once the payment process is complete, the portal will re-open and be available for updates until the last day of the month. The portal is typically closed for 5-11 days, depending on weekends, holidays, or other unusual circumstances that could delay the payment.

Early Childhood Educator Workforce Salary Supplement Program Contacts

Contact us at ECEWageProgram.DHHS@maine.gov

Diane Nicholson
Early Care & Education Workforce Development Program Manager
Tel: (207) 624-7996
e-mail: Diane.Nicholson@maine.gov

Associate Director Early Care & Education

Tara Williams
Associate Director of Early Care & Education
Tel: (207) 557-2342
e-mail: Tara.Williams@maine.gov