Emerald Ash Borer (EAB), Agrilus planipennis

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Maine Quarantine on Emerald Ash Borer

map of emerald ash borer quarantine in Maine

Current Quarantine Area: The quarantine area updated in November 2023 includes all of Androscoggin, Cumberland, Kennebec, Knox, Lincoln, Sagadahoc,Waldo and York Counties and parts of Aroostook, Franklin, Oxford Penobscot, Piscataquis, and Somerset Counties. The quarantine boundaries were drawn to include a buffer on those towns where EAB had been detected. To slow the spread of the destructive emerald ash borer, we encourage everyone to adhere to the regulations and follow best management practices when handling ash within these regulated areas.

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emerald ash borer adult on head of penny

The emerald ash borer (EAB), Agrilus planipennis, is one of the most serious invasive species threatening our ash resources and forests. All species of (Fraxinus) ash trees, but not (Sorbus) mountain ash, that grow in Maine are susceptible to injury and death by the emerald ash borer.

Learn how to identify ash trees (YouTube)

EAB was first found in Aroostook County (Madawaska, Frenchville, and Grand Isle), and York County (Acton, Berwick, and Lebanon), ME in 2018. It was detected in Cumberland County (Portland) in September 2019.

What's New

EAB Identification

Ash Trees Can you identify an ash tree?
Report a Suspect Either the beetle or signs of infestation

Maps, Regulations & Quarantine Information

EAB State Quarantines:
Firewood Ban Maine's Emergency Order banning out-of-state firewood
Memo to Tree Sellers From Maine's State Horticulturist

Caring for Ash Trees & Managing Forests

EAB management
Guidance for Solid Waste Handlers (PDF) Dealing with potentially infested ash in and outside quarantine areas.

Surveillance, Outreach, Involvement

Monitoring for EAB with Traps (PDF) Resource for municipalities and others to purchase monitoring supplies
Purple Trap Survey USDA's detection trap
Trap Tree Network Girdling an ash for EAB detection
Biosurveillance Monitoring for EAB with the Cerceris wasp
Tree-Tagging Helping the public appreciate the value of trees
Phenology Model of Emerald Ash Borer Predicting EAB emergence with degree-day data
Volunteer Resources Free items to help spread the word

Additional Resources

An Ash Resource Inventory Field Manual State of Maine Indian Reservations
The Story of Emerald Ash Borer a pictorial essay about EAB by the U.S. Department of Agriculture
Emerald Ash Borer Detection in Maine (YouTube) Pest and Disease Scouting & Management Activities For Landowners


General Basic frequently asked questions about EAB
Quarantine Questions commonly asked about Maine's EAB quarantine (PDF)

More Information