Is it an Ash Tree?

Emerald ash borer attacks ash trees of the Fraxinus species. Three species of ash trees grow in Maine...

White ash (Fraxinus americana)

Green ash (Fraxinus pennsylvanica)

Black ash, or brown ash (Fraxinus nigra)

Click on images to enlarge



Branch/Bud Arrangement

Ash trees are opposite branching

image of ash tree buds

Buds are opposite each other (Photo by Allison,

image of ash tree branch

Branches are located opposite each other on a limb (Photo by Michigan State University)



Ash trees have compound leaves. Each leaf has between 5 and 11 leaflets.

The only other opposite branching tree with pinnately compound leaves is boxelder (Acer negundo)

image of white ash leafimage of green ash leafimage of black ash leaf

White ash with 9 leaflets -------------------Green ash with 7 leaflets --------------------Black ash with 11 leaflets

(Photos by Maine Forest Service)



Ash trees have smooth bark when young.

Mature trees have fairly deep furrows resembling a diamond pattern (white and green), or corky appearance (black)

image of young ash barkimage of white ash barkimage of green ash barkimage of black ash bark

Young bark ----------------- Mature white ash----------------- Mature green ash-------------------Mature black ash

(Photos by Maine Forest Service)




Ash tree seeds are single, oar-shaped samaras that hang in clusters.

They typically stay on the tree until late fall.

image of ash tree fruit (photo by Robert Vidéki

(Photo by Robert Vidék, Doronicum Kft, Hungary)

image of ash tree fruit (photo by Paul Wray, Iowa State University)

(Photo by Paul Wray, Iowa State University)