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Using Maine Wood Benefits All of Us
Maine’s 18 million acres of working forests comprise the largest stretch of nearly unfragmented forest in the eastern United States. For nearly 400 years, Maine’s forests have supported a diverse forest economy while also providing numerous public benefits, including outstanding recreational opportunities, a world-class trout fishery, fall foliage viewing, and tourism. This is testament to the hard work and care of private woodland owners, who own 95 percent of Maine’s forest land.
The state has a variety of policies and programs that ensure the continued health and wise use of Maine’s forests. These include a robust forest inventory and monitoring program; strong woodland owner, logger, and forester education programs; tax incentives; and, forest practices regulations. Nearly all of the largest forest ownerships have received independent third-party certification of their good management, and over two million acres participate in the state’s progressive outcome based forestry program.
Taken together, these policies and programs ensure that Maine’s forests will continue to provide all of the benefits people value far into the future. When you buy Maine wood, you can be assured that you’re buying quality and helping sustain the state’s well-managed forests.
Doug Denico
Director, Maine Forest Service
What do you enjoy about your woods? A quiet walk, the symphony of song birds, valuable timber, memories of a successful hunt, the smell of fallen leaves, wildlife tracks, a babbling brook, or simply sharing time with your family in nature? These are just a few rewards of a good relationship between you and your land.
A good place to start is to take a woods walk with a professional. Maine Forest Service District Foresters work with landowners throughout Maine. District Foresters are close at hand, working in every corner of the State. Our District Foresters are not just experts; they're experts who work for you.
As Licensed Foresters, Maine Forest Service District Foresters hold degrees in Forestry and related fields, and have a wealth of experience. Often, though, it is a Forester's local knowledge that is most helpful to Maine landowners. It's true that our District Foresters know more about Maine's trees and woodlands than almost anyone. To seek professional forestry advice, contact the Maine Forest Service at 1-800-367-0223. Find your District Forester.
In your meeting with your District Forester, they are likely to talk about well managed woodlands and being a good steward. Growing "Woods Wise" begins with your land, your vision, and your choices. The Maine Forest Service (MFS) “Be Woods Wise” tools will help you make the right choices for your woodland. And our advice is FREE.
Management of your woodland is an evolving story, with distinct steps along the way. The Kennebec Woodland Partnership has developed a guide called “Your Woodland” to help you make decisions about your woodland.