Neighbor to neighbor meetings and other family woodland organizations

Kennebec Woodland Partnership:

The Kennebec Woodland Partnership is a county-based initiative launched in 2009 to provide tools and strategies to help landowners make informed decisions about their woodlands and ensure a sustainable future for the county’s forests.

Maine Woodland Owners, and regional chapters:

MWO’s mission is to promote stewardship of Maine's small woodland resources, provide information for better forest management, and advocate for and reaching out to Maine's small woodland owners

Soil and Water Conservation Districts:

Districts are subdivisions of state government run by locally elected and appointed volunteers who work to solve local natural resource problems. It is community involvement and the voluntary approach that makes Soil and Water Conservation Districts so effective. Working in a unique cooperative partnership with the United States Department of Agriculture’s Natural Resources Conservation Service, which provides strong technical expertise, and state and local partners, Soil and Water Conservation Districts reach out to all local stakeholders in the community to determine priorities and set a course of action to solve natural resource problems. Districts provide local conservation leadership, teach the value of natural resources, encourage conservation efforts and help plan and implement voluntary programs. Each District program is different and unique to the area that it serves, because the programs are developed by local people to solve local problems.

Examples of other Peer-to-Peer organizations in other states

Keystone Project - Massachusetts

In ecology, a keystone species is one whose impacts on its environment are larger and greater than would be expected from one species.

The Keystone Project invests education and reference materials in important, keystone people. These Keystone Cooperators make a significant conservation difference at the local level by transferring information and ideas to landowners and decision-makers.


"Coverts" is a Woodland Wildlife Management Program for Private Landowners

Many states, including New Hampshire, Vermont, and Connecticut have coverts programs. The principal is very similar to that of the Keystone project or Master Gardeners, where participation begets conducting active management on your own land, as well as conveying information to peers.