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Boundary Description for the Expanded Archery Season on Deer - Camden Area
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Portions of Camden, Owl's Head, Rockland, Rockport, and Thomaston:
Beginning at the intersection of U.S. Route #1 and State Route #52 (Mountain Street) in Camden; then following State Route #52 northwesterly to Beaucaire Avenue; then following Beaucaire Avenue westerly to Molyneaux Road; then following Molyneaux Road southwesterly to Melvin Heights Road; then following Melvin Heights Road southeasterly to Upper Mechanic Street; then following Upper Mechanic Street easterly to Mechanic Street; then following Mechanic Street easterly to John Street; then following John Street southeasterly to U.S. Route #1; then following U.S. Route #1 southerly to South Street in Rockport; then following South Street northwesterly to Porter Street; then following Porter Street westerly to State Route #17; then following State Route #17 northerly to Rockville Street; then following Rockville Street westerly to Old Rockland Street; then following Old Rockland Street southerly to Gurney Street; then following Gurney Street westerly to Bog Road in Rockland; then following Bog Road southerly to Mountain Road; then following Mountain Road southeasterly to West Meadow Road; then following West Meadow Road southerly to Thompson Road; then following Thompson Road easterly to Old County Road in Rockland; then following Old County Road southwesterly to Dexter Street in Thomaston; then following Dexter Street southeasterly to U.S. Route #1; then following U.S. Route #1 southwesterly to Buttermilk Lane; then following Buttermilk Lane southerly to the intersection with the Weskeag River; then following the eastern shore of the Weskeag River southerly to the Atlantic Ocean; then following the shore of the Atlantic Ocean easterly and then northerly to the mouth of Great Brook in Camden; then following Great Brook westerly to its intersection with U.S. Route #1; then following U.S. Route #1 southerly to the point of origin at the intersection of U.S. Route #1 and Mountain Street in Camden.
Important Note: The Beauchamp Point Sanctuary is open to archery hunting of deer during any open hunting season that allows archery equipment to be used to hunt deer.
Important Note: That portion of Camden Hills State Park located within the expanded archery area is administratively closed to hunting. For more information contact the Dept. of Conservation, Bureau of Parks and Lands, at 22 State House Station, Augusta, Maine 04333-0022 or at 287-3821.