Home → Fishing & Boating → Fishing → Laws & Rules → Bait Dealers and Use of Baitfish
Commercial Bait Dealers

On this page:
Importation of Baitfish Prohibited
It is unlawful to import any live baitfish or smelts into Maine.
Bait Dealer's License
Licenses expire on December 31st of the calendar year for which they were issued.
It is unlawful for any person to deal in live baitfish or live smelts without first obtaining a valid dealer's license.
Bait Retail License
This license permits the sale only of live baitfish and live smelts from one location. For application and laws, see information below.
Note: If you plan to sell baitfish or smelts from more than one location, each additional location must be licensed by a Live Bait Retailer's license.
More information:
Bait Wholesale License
This license permits the taking from the wild, wholesale and retail sale of live baitfish only. Does not include smelts.
More information:
Smelt Wholesale License
This license permits the taking from the wild, wholesale and retail sale of live smelts only.
More information:
Marking Holes
When using drop nets to fish through the ice for baitfish/smelts, all holes made in the ice must be marked either by evergreen boughs placed around the hole, or by suspending at least 1 strand of fluorescent biodegradable tape at least 3 feet above the ice around the entire perimeter of the hole so that the tape is visible from all sides.
Other commercial fishing permits
Please visit the forms page for other commercial inland fishing permits.